Political Campaign Work: Jessica Ramos
From January 2020 to August 2020, I contributed social media, graphics and press support to the Ramos for State Senate campaign. I provided communications support for events featuring Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Tiffany Cabán, and other New York elected officials.

I photographed Jessica Ramos and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez after a Census event in 2020.
I created this endorsement graphic when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez endorsed Ramos in 2020.

I photographed Jessica Ramos, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Tiffany Caban after a Census event in 2020.
I created this graphic when Bernie Sanders endorsed Jessica Ramos' in 2020.
I photographed Jessica Ramos, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Catalina Cruz at a canvassing rally in 2020.
I created this animated graphic for a canvassing rally between Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Jessica Ramos and Catalina Cruz.
I staffed and photographed Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Jessica Ramos and Catalina Cruz at a Census awareness event in 2020. I also posted on social media for this event.
I staffed and photographed Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Jessica Ramos and Catalina Cruz at a Census awareness event in 2020. I also posted on social media for this event.
I posted on social media for Jessica Ramos while she canvassed for Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign in February 2020.
I created this graphic that was used as an invitation for Ramos' birthday fundraising event.